Web Page

web page

Its so easy to write your own basic web page
all you need is four lines on notepad and your first page is created

Here is how you do it:
1. open Notepad

2. Type in the text in the image

3. click File
4. Click Save As
5. In File Name Type   My First Web page.html
6. On Save as type click the down arrow and change to All Files
7. Click Save

To open the file  Left Click and right click on Internet Exploer, chrome or what ever you use to go the internet.

the page should look like the picture below:

well done

web page

The Code Explained

When you write a web page you must remember to have the symbols you are using at both ends of the line ( The first is opening and the second with the slash is closing).

You must use the <> on both sides of the symbol.

for example

html - (HyperText Markup Language) ( html = opening, /html = closing )

h1 - Heading (top of page) 1 -  Size of text ( h1 = opening, /h1 = closing)

p - Paragragh (can be as long or short as you want.) ( p = opening, /p= closing)