Jargon Page A
ADSL - (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) A method of connecting a computer to the internet over a standard voice phone line using ethernet office networking technology.
A.I - (Artificial Intelligence) A program designed to respond "intelligently" to various situations, for example the computer opponent(s) in a game.
Antivirus - Software which protects computers from viruses and suchlike. Has to be updated frequently to keep up with the latest threats, so is usually sold with a subscription which enables you to download updates from the internet.
AOL - (America On Line) An Internet Service Provider, or ISP. AOL were in business as a large commercial bulletin board before the internet really took off. Now they are an ISP specialising in family-friendly internet access.
APP - Any software used to carry out a particular task, such as office programs or games, particularly on smartphones and tablets. Usually downloaded to the device from an online store. Essentially another word for program.
Attachment - A file sent by email is an attachment. This can be a picture, document, aprogram or other sort of file. You should never open an attachment if you do not known the sender or the attachment.
Avatar - A picture or figure representing a person in an online environment.